High Vs Low Set Cheekbones

High Vs Low Set Cheekbones


I talked in the past about how to get hollow cheekbones and what makes the male cheekbones attractive and how to get rid of a baby face etcetera but I don't think I have ever talk about how to measure cheekbones height knowing their location if they are high or low, and the differences between high and low cheekbones , also can lower set cheekbones be considered attractive all of these questions we will be diving into and try to answer because it's not always so black and white and cut dry, things can be a bit complicated.

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PART 1 :

Your cheekbone appearance is highly dependent on your bone structure. Your zygomatic or malar bone is what determines how high up your cheekbones are.

Despite that, your facial bone structure is not the only determinant of how your cheekbones look. The soft tissue around it could also contribute to how high or low your cheekbones appear to be. Note that the soft tissue does not change where your cheekbones are situated, but it does alter the external perception.

For example, a man with high cheekbones but has chubby cheeks may look like he has low cheekbones even when he doesn’t. It’s all about how the components of your face, bone, muscle, and fat included, work together to create your facial appearance.

Additionally, your race also plays a major role in how your cheekbones will look. Asians are more likely to have bone structures that are wider and have cheeks that protrude horizontally. However, that’s not true across all Asians as the continent has a wide variety of ethnicities. On the other hand, Caucasians are more likely to have cheekbones that push more upward, not outward. This disparity creates a lot of differences between what your cheekbones look like depending on your race. These are only rough generalizations, and the large biological variety in Asians or Caucasians still causes a disparity in cheekbone appearance. By no means does this mean that all Asians or Caucasians, regardless of locality, share the same characteristic.

Plus, there’s the fact that male and female cheekbones are different. Men are more likely to have wider cheekbones and a higher FWHR than women. Women, on the other hand, are more likely to have lower zygomatic bones and rounder cheekbones. You can observe in pop culture that we like to say that someone has high cheekbones when really, what they have are prominent cheeks and not actual high cheekbones. You’ll notice that when people talk about high cheekbones, they’re often talking about the cheeks, not the cheekbones.

PART 2 :

To determine if you have high or low cheekbones, you have to look at your face under natural lighting. Harsh lighting, such as fluorescent lights, can drastically change your appearance, and the shadows on your face will make it difficult to tell.

  1. Start by looking at yourself in the mirror in a frontal view.
  2. Place your thumb on your tragus (the little nub near your ear canal) and your index finger on your nostril.
  3. Slowly dragging your index finger and thumb together will allow you to identify the highest point in your cheekbones. Make sure to exert some pressure, so you know which part is the highest. It might take a few tries to gauge exactly where the highest point is, so looking at the mirror while you’re doing so is important.
  4. Next, assess where the location of the highest point is. If it’s in line with your nose bridge or even the middle of your nose, then you have high cheekbones. If your cheekbones sit in line with your nostrils or the lower portion of your nose, then you have low cheekbones.

Another way to assess your cheekbones is to look at your reflection from a three-quarters angle. Take a look at the curve of your face, and you’ll notice a bump after the dip in your eye area. The closer that area is to your eyes, the higher your cheekbones are.

An additional consideration is that we base this measurement on the nose and eye areas, which can be subjective. Some people have noses that are too long for their face, which will distort the results. Some people could have a long midface, making it difficult to identify if low is low.

So, remember that this is just a crude measurement, but it’s as close as you can get. Simply looking at your face is not completely telling, as your malar region (cheekbone area) may have extra fat surrounding it, preventing you from fully seeing how high up your cheekbones are.

Another method is for looking at the length of the ogee curve. The ogee curve is the curve created by your cheekbones on your face. The downside of this method is it’s not good at distinguishing prominence vs. height. Simply compare the length of the curve to the midface length. If you have high cheekbones, the ogee curve will take up more than half of the midface, like so: Low cheekbones will have the ogee curve take up a small portion of the midface length.

PART 3 :

So which is better: higher or lower set cheekbones ? There is no correct answer to this question. Both high cheekbones and low cheekbones can look attractive. That said, we do have a general affinity for high cheekbones. This preference could be due to the proliferation of attractive faces on media that have high cheekbones. It could be due to how we’ve internalized that high cheekbones are attractive (and they are), but that’s not all there is to attractiveness. There are many conventionally attractive people with low cheekbones.

If, after the test above, you find that you have low cheekbones, don’t worry too much about it. Even though we have preconceived perceptions about what type of cheekbones are more attractive, it’s not the end-all of your facial appearance. Remember that your cheekbones are just a single aspect of your face. Facial harmony or how your features work together is a better indication of attractiveness.

As previously mentioned, your race is also a factor that determines how your cheekbones look. Because of that, there are varying standards in how we perceive cheekbones worldwide, and beauty can be an ethnic concern. If you live in an Asian country, you will be under their beauty standards. The cheekbones that look the most attractive in an Asian environment might not be the best if you put yourself in a western setting, for example.

PART 4 :

A lot of the conversation surrounding cheekbones tends to stay within the high or low narrative. But an arguably more important (or equally important) aspect of cheekbone appearance is how prominent they are. Low cheekbones and high cheekbones both have the potential to look very attractive if they’re prominent. Looking at someone with low cheekbones, you are more likely to think that they’re attractive if their cheekbones jut out and give further dimension to their face. This argument also stands true for situations where someone has high cheekbones, but it won’t show up due to excess facial fat.

PART 5 :

Here some example of people who look good with lower set cheekbones we have johnny depp , young mads mikkelsen for women an example I think off is selena gomez so yeah you can look good with lower set cheekbones as long as they are lean and prominent which will make them hollow , but as you age lower set cheekbones do make you appear older than people with cheekbones that are higher set.