Growth Hormone(HGH) To Become Attractive

Growth Hormone(HGH) To Become Attractive


I read a comment once on my channel saying that hgh short for human growth hormone is the future in increasing attractiveness or the secret I don't remember how exactly they worded it also saying that my videos lake information cause i never discussed it, while there is some truth in that its not that's simple because taking human growth hormones without understanding what it is and what it does can be very very dangerous. So how about we learn about hgh and what it actually does and can it be used to increase your attractiveness? We will try and answer all these questions, this post will have more of an educational nature to it.

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HGH or the Human Growth Hormone is a material produced by the pituitary gland. It can repair and maintain tissues and assist with cell regeneration. With the current applications of HGH, the question of how it alters facial features is inevitable. Today, many people even use it for its purported anti-aging benefits.

HGH contributes a lot to the craniofacial development of children. The hormone also makes changes to facial features like the jaw and bone structure. However, there is little research on using the hormone as an adult to change facial features. HGH can improve the bone remodeling rate.

The human growth hormone is naturally occurring in the body. In children, the hormone plays a huge role in determining the growth of facial features such as the jaw.

Most of the medical applications for HGH are for treating growth deficiencies in children. It follows that most of the research dedicated to the hormone is also on the same subject. There are no well-known studies that relate HGH to facial features, especially in adults. However, some people take HGH synthetically to help with aging or to stimulate athletic ability.

Any synthetic application of HGH has risks (more on that later), and it is not something to jump into without a lot of research. The ideal advice would be to use HGH under the guidance of a physician. However, there are still some people who use illegal versions of the hormone.


HGH will affect facial features, given that it is a growth hormone and contributes a lot to children’s growth. HGH also plays a role in bone remodeling (Litsas, 2015).

In the context of synthetic HGH, there is little science to back it. Most of the research done on HGH and growth focuses on children, all of whom are still growing. But, HGH is still something that adults use to treat growth deficiencies. HGH injections can help in reducing body fat, which is something that will affect facial features. But, it will not provide bone-deep changes.

Another result of HGH injections is building muscle mass, and this is where the usual nonmedical use comes in. Many people use HGH since it allegedly improves athletic performance. While that may be true to some, there is still little research done on these areas. There is no conclusive scientific evidence that HGH can increase testosterone. What we know to be true is that the use of synthetic HGH has a lot of risks.

The anecdotal evidence of HGH and an increase in testosterone probably contributed to the idea that it can alter facial features. Testosterone is one of the hormones that can affect sexually dimorphic facial features. But while it may manifest in some people, it is a great reason to use HGH.

The only way HGH could alter facial features is if you used it in conjunction with mewing. Mewing remodels your facial bone structure over time with proper oral posture. In adults, however, mewing is insanely slow because bone remodeling is slow. HGH, however, increases bone remodeling speed (Olney et al., 2003). Is it enough to get obvious changes, though? Probably not.

There are other methods of altering facial features. Don’t count on HGH for that. If you abuse HGH, you also run the risk of developing acromegaly: Acromegaly does result in abnormal jaw growth, but it’s not aesthetic whatsoever.

Uses of HGH

The most popular use of HGH is to treat growth deficiencies in children, and sometimes, in adults. But, there are also other uses for the hormone.

1. HGH Deficiency

2. Chronic Kidney Disease

3. Muscle Loss due to HIV/AIDS

4. Pituitary Tumors

5. Short Bowel Syndrome

6.Turner Syndrome

Risks of Synthetic HGH

Like many other medications, HGH is not risk-free. There are potential side-effects that a user can get because of HGH. Be cautious of HGH since the products that do not come in injections are not proven to work. Thus, you are putting yourself not only at the risk of synthetic HGH but the improper use of it as well. Even properly regulated HGH can have negative side-effects on the human body, including, but not limited to, the following.

  • numb and tingling skin
  • nerve, muscle, or joint pain
  • higher risk of heart disease
  • higher risk of diabetes
  • possible growth of cancerous tumors
  • low blood sugar
  • swelling because of fluids in the tissues
  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • liver damage
  • fatigue
  • mood swings

Some supplements that contain or advertise that they have HGH can also lead to:

  • nausea
  • heartburn
  • allergic reactions
  • bloating
  • diarrhea
  • stomach pain

There is an extensive list of what you have to look out for when taking HGH. With all of the risks that come with HGH, the best choice would be to talk to a physician first. That way, you at least know that you are using a regulated form of the hormone. So the only way I see hgh being useful is if its being used with mewing and even then nothing is guaranteed, Hope this gives some of you an idea of what you are getting into or stops some of you from doing something very stupid.