What Is Facial Harmony And Why It's Important ?

What Is Facial Harmony And Why It's Important ?

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When it comes to the beauty community concerning facial attractiveness a lot of weird terms are used , the canthal tilt , the gonial angle and the midface ratio among many others and each one of these words do have an actual scientific definition unlike facial harmony , for example the canthal tilt means the angle the medial canthus makes with the lateral canthus, and the gonial angle meas the angle the ramus makes with the body of the mandible, the midface ratio I think means how compact your features are the middle part of the face i think , but facial harmony we don't really have a solid definition out there , everyone seems to define the word differently,but in today's blog post we will try and explain what facial harmony actually means and maybe learn how to achieve it.


  1.  Introduction
  2.  What is Facial Harmony
  3.  Facial Harmony Vs Beauty
  4.  Conclusion


From facial thirds (and fifths!) to the infamous golden ratio, pop culture has been seeking facial harmony’s magic formula for millennia. Between the ancient Greeks, Renaissance artists like Leonardo da Vinci, and today's social media set, there's no shortage of hypotheses about what constitutes a well-balanced face.

To keep things short, facial harmony is about ideal proportions, not perfection. “It’s not so much about direct measurement; proportions are way more important,” says Jason Roostaeian, MD, a board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon and associate clinical professor at UCLA. “When we’re evaluating a face, you’re really looking at that face relative to itself.” In other words, the measurements of individual facial features are less important than the interaction between those features.

What Is Facial Harmony :

When we think of facial harmony, most of us think about beauty — but it’s really much more basic (in every sense) than that. “It really comes down to the fact that the most attractive faces are those where everything falls into the average,” Dr. Jason explains. “Philosophically speaking, when one part falls out of the norm, it’s alarming for potential disease.” If a person has a deficient jaw, for example, it’s an indication of certain ailments, he adds.

And, when it comes to attraction, it’s all about survival of the species. “If, in essence, what we’re doing is looking for a partner to mate with, the ideal mating partner is somebody who seems ‘normal’ across the board,” he says. In the most primal sense, we’re programmed to gravitate toward facial symmetry and harmony because they convey good health.

As it relates to aesthetic medicine and plastic surgery, providers have — no surprise here — a very precise understanding of facial proportion. “We mean balance and a subjective sense of normalcy,” explains Jacob Unger, MD, a Nashville-based board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon and assistant professor of plastic surgery at Vanderbilt University. “If you overly highlight a feature or ignore a feature in the face, it will draw the eye negatively.”

Sure, a surgery or procedure may focus on one part of the face, but the goal of said treatment is balance. “We aim for improvement in facial aesthetic surgery, but the key to doing it well is understanding facial anatomy and relationships,” Dr. Unger says.

Facial Harmony Vs Beauty :

Before we move on, you might be wondering: is facial harmony the same as beauty? According to the experts, the basic tenets of facial harmony have remained largely unchanged. Beauty standards, on the other hand, are infamously ever-changing. “Harmony is less subjective than beauty,” Dr. Unger shares. As he explains it, beauty evolves with the times and trends, but harmony and proportion are less beholden to what is en vogue. “Balance, harmony, and the golden ratio has indicated what is naturally aesthetically pleasing to the human eye and mind since it was first described — and that was thousands of years ago,” he says.

But how do modern beauty trends ( fit in with the idea of facial harmony? “There are certain features that you may want to augment compared to average because they have some underlying innuendo with them,” Dr. Jason explains. “But it’s very clear to see that, when it gets too out of proportion, you lose the attractiveness again.” In other words, cosmetic surgery can push certain boundaries to meet beauty standards, but only to the point where the enhancement or augmentation is not disrupting the overall harmony of the face.

Conclusion :

So In conclusion facial harmony is about proportion and balance for example you might think that your nose is too big and making it very small will increase your attractiveness significantly but it might throw your features out of balance so the plastic surgeon will reduce it enough until it suits your face not suit what the beauty standards are, the same way having very thin lips or big lips can stand out and throw the face out of proportions so it's all about how everything looks balance and falls within the average, a well balanced face means a face with great facial harmony, hope I did not make things a bit too confusing for you guys, this is why looksmaxing and cosmetic  surgery goal should be to maximize facial harmony which puts everything into proportions and averageness.